In the spring of 2019, my friend Nicholas and I created an eCommerce company called Lokoly. Our mission was to create a website that connected local producers to consumers wishing to shop locally produced CPGs. Over the six months of my involvement, we were able to fulfill over 150 orders with 13 vendors registered on the site. My responsibilities included site development in Wordpress, database maintenance, customer UI experience, and design, troubleshooting/customer-vendor support, and content updates. You can shop local at
Ryder Scooters was a group project for MIS 407. The goal of Ryder Scooters was to provide a last-mile transportation service for college students. We created a simple web app that allowed customers to find out more about Ryder Scooters, create or log in to an account, and reserve/checkout a scooter. We also developed a manager dashboard with statistics on scooter usage and most traveled routes.
ISU Dining Database Application
ISU Dining Database Application was a group project for MIS 320. The task was to create a database application for a local business. We contacted ISU Dining to find out their business processes and rules and created a database based on them. The app provided managers the ability to see employee information and inventory status. Final Report